Curriculum Intent


Our curriculum provides students with the knowledge, skills, and experiences to develop their character and resilience. Our curriculum enables our students to realise their varied and ambitious aspirations.

Our curriculum ensures that we are ‘Enriching Lives’ for all our students throughout their journey from Year 7, to adults who contribute positively within our rich and diverse society.

Our curriculum is planned with the intention of enabling the best outcomes for all students no matter their starting points or barriers to learning. We pride ourselves on our broad, balanced, inclusive, and representative curriculum.


Our curriculum vision is modelled in English where we believe in an inclusive education for all.

Our curriculum intent is:  

  • Coherently plan, sequence, and adapt our curriculum to meet the unique needs of all learners.
  • Offer breadth of study at KS3-KS5.
  • Embed a range of wider enrichment opportunities and experiences to ensure our learners have an educational experience that is rich and varied.
  • Through an ambitious, exciting, knowledge-rich, and carefully sequenced curriculum, the English team at Fortis Academy strive to develop the character of the student.
  • To inspire a love of learning and to ignite a passion for the subject. 
  • We aim for excellence in all areas and continuously endeavour to advance our expertise. 
  • Students develop as independent, resilient, and thoughtful learners, but more importantly as life-long learners that possess the self-belief and skills required to fulfil their potential.
  • To increase cultural capital through the study of English literary heritage texts.
  • To focus on sophisticated vocabulary to become experts in the use of the English language.
  • To create confident readers, writers, and speakers to enhance the life opportunities of our students.
  • To develop a wider educational experience for our learners which enriches their world experience.
  • Encompass the whole school core values through the English curriculum. 

As a result, the English curriculum will:

  • Enable students to discover and develop other skills such as research skills, writing skills, collaboration and problem-solving skills whilst building self-confidence to support them in all aspects of life.
  • Challenge all learners across all key stages. 
  • Develop effective literacy and communication skills – therefore creating learners who are confident readers, writers, and speakers.
  • Ensure students are challenged and stretched by developing their leadership, organisation, resilience, initiative, and communication skills to provide foundations for every aspect of school life. 
  • Encourage students to read easily, fluently and with good understanding,
  • Enable students to develop the habit of reading widely and often, for both pleasure and information.
  • Ensure students acquire a wide vocabulary, an understanding of grammar and knowledge of linguistic conventions for reading, writing and spoken language.
  • Enable pupils to write clearly, accurately, and coherently, adapting their language and style in and for a range of contexts, purposes, and audiences. 
  • Use discussion to allow students to learn; they should be able to elaborate and clearly explain their understanding and ideas.
  • Ensure pupils are competent in the arts of speaking and listening, making formal presentations, demonstrating to others, and participating in debate.


English Documents

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