Our curriculum provides students with the knowledge, skills, and experiences to develop their character and resilience. Our curriculum enables our students to realise their varied and ambitious aspirations.

Our curriculum ensures that we are ‘Enriching Lives’ for all our students throughout their journey from Year 7 to adults who contribute positively within our rich and diverse society.

Our curriculum is planned with the intention of enabling the best outcomes for all students no matter their starting points or barriers to learning. We pride ourselves on our broad, balanced, inclusive, and representative curriculum.

Our curriculum vision is modelled in Engineering where we believe in an inclusive education for all.

Our curriculum intent is:  

  • Coherently plan, sequence, and adapt our curriculum to meet the unique needs of all of our learners.
  • Offer breadth of study at Offer breadth of study at KS3 provides the skills, knowledge and opportunities, to generate the pathways to GCSE, Further and High Education and Future Careers in all aspects of Engineering.    
  • By drawing on other subjects in school such as English, Maths, Science and Geography students can develop effective literacy and numeracy skills through digital technology. This creates learners who are confident and competent readers, writers and speakers, with essential analytical skills needed for life, with links to relevant domestic, local and industrial contexts, such as the home, health, leisure, culture, engineering, manufacturing, construction, food, energy, agriculture and fashion.
  • Embed a range of wider enrichment opportunities and experiences, at least one per year, to ensure our learners have an educational experience that is rich and varied.
  • Encompass the whole school core values to maximise the impact of the curriculum.

As a result the Engineering curriculum will: 

  • Enable students to discover and develop other skills such as research skills, writing skills, collaboration and problem-solving skills whilst building self-confidence to support them in all aspects of life.
  • Enable student to develop a wide variety of creative and practical activities, allowing for creative design, a boarder understanding of design techniques and developing skills through practical making.
  • Bring a wealth of knowledge and experience from industry into to the classroom by developing pupils’ skills and qualifications to go on and become the next generation of 21st Century Engineers.
  • Cover all aspects of the Design and Engineering curriculum, building practical skills, product analysis, electronics and the use of new design concepts when developing products for a wider community.
  • Provide the students with the skills and knowledge to become independent learners, when designing and developing new ideas. 
  • Continued use of the prior knowledge of the design and make process, when helping to embed the knowledge of Design and Make curriculum through KS3 and KS4. 
  • Enable students to develop a range of products taught over 5 years, which offer students the opportunity to explore new materials and the use of CAD and CAM.
  • Ensure students are challenged and stretched by developing their Creativity, resilience and aspirations when providing a foundation for every aspect of school and social life.